Is The Coronavirus Pandemic Over?

2 min readJun 13, 2020
Local blm protest

It sure might seem like it.

Now in its 6th month since the United States reported the first Covid-19 case, the Coronavirus pandemic has went through several phases in the world. In China, levels seem to be continuing to decline after stringent quarantine and lockdown measures despite it being the first country impacted. Other East Asian countries showing success include Taiwan and Vietnam, both with less than 1,000 confirmed cases. Eastern European countries are also gaining ground battling the disease; Hungary , Slovenia, and Austria are just some with the most promising numbers.

The thing with this quarantine is… its a mental game as much as it is a numbers one. As time progresses and weeks of staying at home turn to months, people start to judge the danger based on how long they’ve limited socializing. Hey I think thats about enough time right? Maybe not.

Several states and cities have recorded their biggest week in case spikes as people are beginning to view the situation as coming to an end, whether the numbers agree or not. As Demonstrations take place across the country, businesses opening back up, and summer activities seem possible again, the fear of the pandemic that led to mass hoarding of toilet paper is starting to take a backseat in the minds of the people.

The World Health Organization recently came out with a statement doubling down on its claim that Covid-19 is not likely to be transmitted by air. At the same time, the Trump Administration supports the opening up of the country with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin saying “The United States can’t shut down the economy again. As states begin to open up businesses through their respective phases, things are starting to look a little like they did before.

Whether this is a seasonal downturn, the beginning of the end of the pandemic, or the start of another spike, one thing is sure; The attitude of society regarding the Covid outbreak is significantly getting relaxed.

